We have installed a defibrillator in our factory. Although we have never had any incidents we wish to guarantee the safety of our employees during an emergency.
3000 Reasons for Aspaym is the solidarity campaign created by El Campo along with Óscar F. Giralda, elite athlete, for the Asociación Nacional de Parapléjicos y Grandes Minusválidos (ASPAYM) (the National Paraplegic and Disabled Persons Assiciation). Óscar’s European competition demonstrated solidarity, collecting funds that we organised to acquire a pressure therapy machine for the association.
El 2017 es un año muy especial, porque nuestra marca El Campo, cumple 25 años. Desde 1992 han pasado muchas cosas que queremos recordar con vosotros.
Hemos instalado un desfibrilador en nuestra fábrica. Aunque nunca hemos tenido ningún incidente queremos garantizar la seguridad de nuestros trabajadores en un momento de emergencia.
3000 Motivos por Aspaym es la campaña solidaria creada por El Campo junto a Óscar F. Giralda, deportista de élite, a favor de la Asociación Nacional de Parapléjicos y Grandes Minusválidos (ASPAYM). La competición europea de Óscar tuvo un tinte solidario gracias a la recaudación de fondos que organizamos para adquirir una máquina de presoterapia para la asociación.
We start exporting fifth range products in Europe.
In the following years, the international production volume will grow to become the main line of business.
Teodoro Muñoz Rico starts activity producing, processing and distributing carrots for industrial and household consumption.
We diversify our activity into fifth range vegetables (cooked and vacuum-packed).
We focus on the production of red beetroot, potato and sweetcorn. The El Campo brand is born.
The Water Treatment Plant begins to operate, allowing all water used in the Factory to return to the river as it began: totally clean.
Ctra. Segovia nº 44 - 40297 SANCHONUÑO (Segovia) ESPAÑA
Tel.: +34 921 160 026
Fax: +34 921 160 505