El Campo

%AM, %21 %433 %2016 %10:%Nov

El Campo, cardioprotective company

We have installed a defibrillator in our factory. Although we have never had any incidents we wish to guarantee the safety of our employees during an emergency.

%AM, %30 %389 %2016 %10:%Mar

3000 Reasons for ASPAYM

3000 Reasons for Aspaym is the solidarity campaign created by El Campo along with Óscar F. Giralda, elite athlete, for the Asociación Nacional de Parapléjicos y Grandes Minusválidos (ASPAYM) (the National Paraplegic and Disabled Persons Assiciation). Óscar’s European competition demonstrated solidarity, collecting funds that we organised to acquire a pressure therapy machine for the association.

%AM, %16 %437 %2017 %10:%Jan

Cumplimos 25 años

El 2017 es un año muy especial, porque nuestra marca El Campo, cumple 25 años. Desde 1992 han pasado muchas cosas que queremos recordar con vosotros.

%AM, %21 %433 %2016 %10:%Nov

El Campo empresa cardioprotectora

Hemos instalado un desfibrilador en nuestra fábrica. Aunque nunca hemos tenido ningún incidente queremos garantizar la seguridad de nuestros trabajadores en un momento de emergencia.

%AM, %30 %389 %2016 %10:%Mar

3000 Motivos por ASPAYM

3000 Motivos por Aspaym es la campaña solidaria creada por El Campo junto a Óscar F. Giralda, deportista de élite, a favor de la Asociación Nacional de Parapléjicos y Grandes Minusválidos (ASPAYM). La competición europea de Óscar tuvo un tinte solidario gracias a la recaudación de fondos que organizamos para adquirir una máquina de presoterapia para la asociación.

%PM, %01 %505 %2017 %12:%Jan

Trucha al horno con remolacha

  30-45 min


  4 personas

%AM, %26 %384 %1999 %10:%Oct

Start of export

We start exporting fifth range products in Europe.

In the following years, the international production volume will grow to become the main line of business.

%AM, %26 %425 %1975 %10:%Oct

Everything begins

Teodoro Muñoz Rico starts activity producing, processing and distributing carrots for industrial and household consumption.

%AM, %26 %425 %1992 %10:%Oct

El Campo is born

We diversify our activity into fifth range vegetables (cooked and vacuum-packed).

We focus on the production of red beetroot, potato and sweetcorn. The El Campo brand is born.

%AM, %26 %384 %2010 %10:%Oct

Water Treatment Plant

The Water Treatment Plant begins to operate, allowing all water used in the Factory to return to the river as it began: totally clean.


Global G.A.P.
Tierra de Sabor IFS Food BRC Food



    Ctra. Segovia nº 44 - 40297 SANCHONUÑO (Segovia) ESPAÑA

    Tel.: +34 921 160 026
    Fax: +34 921 160 505


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